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Future Perfect Continuous Tense

will have been singing

How do we make the Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

The structure of the future perfect continuous tense is:

subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
invariableinvariablepast participlepresent participle
willhavebeenbase + ing

For negative sentences in the future perfect continuous tense, we insert not between will and have. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and will. Look at these example sentences with the future perfect continuous tense:

 subjectauxiliary verbauxiliary verbauxiliary verbmain verb 
+Iwill havebeenworkingfor four hours.
+Youwill havebeentravellingfor two days.
-Shewillnothavebeenusingthe car.
?Willyou havebeenplayingfootball?
?Willthey havebeenwatchingTV?

When we use the future perfect continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and auxiliary verb:

I willI'll
you willyou'll
he will
she will
it will
we willwe'll
they willthey'll

For negative sentences in the future perfect continuous tense, we contract with won't, like this:

I will notI won't
you will notyou won't
he will not
she will not
it will not
he won't
she won't
it won't
we will notwe won't
they will notthey won't

How do we use the Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

We use the future perfect continuous tense to talk about a long action before some point in the future. Look at these examples:

  • will have been working here for ten years next week.
  • He will be tired when he arrives. He will have been travelling for 24 hours.





Nerelerde Kullanılır

Başlamış veya başlayacak bir eylemin gelecekte sözü edilen zamanda devam etmekte veya bitmiş olacağını anlatırken.
Bu tense future olduğu için will / shall, perfect olduğu için have been, continuous olduğu için -ing : -yor ile kullanılır. Bu tense'te kullanacağımız fiiller, diğer continuouslarda olduğu gibi sürekli işleri anlatan fiiller olmalıdır, (öğrenmek, uyumak, araştırmak, gibi)

NOT: Future Perfect Continuous Tense diğer tense'ler kadar sık kullanılmaz. Buna rağmen birkaç örnek vermekte yarar gördük.

Olumlu Şekli
(Affirmative Form)
Ishall / willÖzne - will/shall + have been + Fiil + ing

have been living in Ankara.

He / She / It
We / You / They
Olumsuz Şekli
(Negative Form)
Ishan't / won'tÖzne - won't/shan't + have been + Fiil + ing

have been living in Ankara.

He / She / It
We / You / They
Soru Şekli 
(Interrogative Form)
Shall / WillIShall / Will - özne + have been + Fiil + ing

have been living in Ankara.

He / She / It
We / You / They
Olumsuz Soru Şekli 
( Negative Interrogative)
Shan't / Won'tIShan't / Won't - özne + have been + Fiil + ing

have been living in Ankara.

He / She / It
We / You / They

Örnekleri çoğaltalım:

Mr. Hicks will have been teaching you French for five years by next month.
(Gelecek ay Mr. Hicks beş yıldır size Fransızca öğretiyor olacak.)

Mary will have been living with us for five months when she returns home.
(Eve döndüğü zaman Mary bizimle beş aydır oturuyor olacak.)

Erdem will have been reading that novel by next month.
(Gelecek ay Erdem o romanı okuyor olacak.)

The children will have been studying for an hour when the teacher comes in.
(Öğretmen içeri girdiği zaman çocuklar bir saattir çalışıyor olacaklar.)

By next year I'll have been learning English for three years.
(Gelecek yıl üç senedir İngilizce öğreniyor olacağım.)

Our English teacher will have been teaching us for three years by the end of this term.
(Bu dönem sonunda bizim İngilizce öğretmenimiz bize üç yıldır öğretiyor olacak.)

By the time you come back from Ankara you'll have been living there for five months.
(Ankara'dan döndüğünüzde beş aydır orada oturuyor olacaksınız.)

When the clock strikes five I'll have been typing for three hours.
(Saat beşi vurduğu zaman üç saattir daktilo yapıyor olacağım.)

My parents will have been walking in the forest for two hours by five o'clock.
(Saat beşte annemle babam iki saattir ormanda dolaşıyor olacaklar.)

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